OLD Contact Us

If there is an imminent threat to life or property, don’t hesitate! Call 9-1-1!

If there is a service interruption and you are not able to reach 9-1-1 or if you are outside of Kittitas County but reporting an emergency in our area the best number to call is (509) 925-9811


700 Elmview Rd
Ellensburg, WA 98926


(509) 925-8534 Business Line
(509) 925-8540 Fax

Have questions about KITTCOM? Send us a message!

Do Not Report Incidents Here. Dial 9-1-1 to report emergencies, or call (509) 925-8534 to report non-emergencies.

Please visit our Public Disclosure page for answers to our most frequently asked questions, and to download a Public Disclosure Request form.

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